Common objects and the chaos of everyday life invade the art of Martin Creed. The one hundred and sixty works by the artist exhibited at the Hayward Gallery, fall outside traditional exhibition spaces to invade corridors, elevators and toilets. Tables, stacks of chairs, cactus and steel beams meet cauliflowers prints and matched layers of color that animate the walls.
Photo © Linda Nylind.
Photo © Linda Nylind.

The challenge proposed by Martin Creed is to engage the viewer of the exhibition in an atmosphere of fun and made of provocations. The objects enjoy independent and unexpected life: a grand piano, hidden behind an open curtain, that closes and moves magically; wipers, doors, headlights and radio of a Ford Focus return to life after a few moments of complete normality. The visitors become target of artist's irony and part of a investigation about the role and meaning of art.