Until 1 April 2013, the MADRE Museum of Naples, hosts the exhibition "Sol LeWitt. Artist and artists", for the first time in Europe. The exhibition aims to represent the diversified and polymorphic artistic activity of a great protagonist of contemporary art. The criteria for exposure abandon cronology and anthologies to marry a division into three areas, each of which corresponds to a thematic nucleus exhibiting new works.

The first section is composed of works never performed before, designed by the artist before his disappearance and realized by his assistants. Five wall drawings adopting the techniques of the first works of this kind, dating back to the '50s. The realization by the his assistants, as planned by LeWitt, allows each drawing to distinguish itself from the others, although following precise instructions. these works show the onset of anxiety and fear transposed in art by lines that tend to infinity and then find rapid deviations and continuous explosions in delirious geometries.

The second and the third area hosting large number of works divided between job that are part of collections Neapolitan and of the world. Collecting for LeWitt has never been a hobby, but has always been a full-time job, from the age of nine. Although he is known as a supporter of the minimalist thinking and conceptual art and prefers style exercises depicting pure, simple and modular structures, his collections allow to reconstruct much of the artistic trends from World II War and include works and artists from all countries and currents.