Ettore Spalletti
Maxxi . GAM . Madre
 	Ettore Spalletti . Maxxi . GAM . Madre
"Un giorno così bianco, così bianco" is the title of an exhibition-project that saw the collaboration of three major Italian museums: Madre in Naples, MAXXI in Rome and GAM in Turin. The retrospective dedicated to the artist Ettore Spalletti has been set up in each exhibition space as a stand-alone show in dialogue with the other.

Photo © Matteo Ciavattella, courtesy of MAXXI.
Ettore Spalletti . Maxxi . GAM . Madre
Ettore Spalletti . Maxxi . GAM . Madre
Classicism, antiquity and contemporary coexist in sculptures, paintings and architectural Spalletti's works showing his artistic ability and versatility. The set designed for the Madre Museum (April 13 to August 18 in 2014) shows the artist's career from the beginning to the '60s in which the central theme is the elimination of time as a linear progression and its exploration as an eternal present.
Ettore Spalletti . Maxxi . GAM . Madre
Ettore Spalletti . Maxxi . GAM . Madre
Ettore Spalletti . Maxxi . GAM . Madre
The exhibition organized at the Gallery of Modern Art in Turin (March 27 to June 15 in 2014) aims to reproduce the atmosphere of the study of Ettore Spalletti not so much from the physical point of view, as recreating the energy and atmosphere that reigns in that environment as a place where born the ideas that lead to the creation of his work.
Ettore Spalletti . Maxxi . GAM . Madre
Ettore Spalletti . Maxxi . GAM . Madre
Ettore Spalletti . Maxxi . GAM . Madre
Ettore Spalletti . Maxxi . GAM . Madre
Inside the exhibition areas of the MAXXI in Rome (March 13 to September 14 2014) the works of the Italian artist come into constant conflict with the strongly characterized architecture carrying visitors through an immersive visual experience in which the color take the depth of a breath.
Ettore Spalletti . Maxxi . GAM . Madre
Ettore Spalletti . Maxxi . GAM . Madre
Ettore Spalletti . Maxxi . GAM . Madre
"Il colore, come si sposta, occupa lo spazio e noi entriamo. Non v’è più la cornice che delimitava lo spazio. Togliendola, il colore assume lo spazio e invade lo spazio. E quando questa cosa riesce, è miracolosa". (Ettore Spalletti, 2006)
Category:  ART
Carla Accardi
Apple Spaceship . Foster Partners . Cupernico . California . USA
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