"White Women, Sleepless Nights, Big Nudes" exhibition dedicated to Helmut Newton arrives in Rome for his unique Italian stop. From March 6 to July 21, the Palazzo delle Esposizioni hosts 200 shots of the revolutionary fashion photographer from homonymous three books, the first publications of the artist. A unique opportunity to learn more about the world of Newton and his vision of reality divided between eroticism and death like two sides of the same coin.

"White Women" (1976) is the revolution of the concept of fashion photography with the introduction of the nude. Radical and provocative images that immediately decreed the success of a Newton already fifty-six years-old. There is a clear intention to portray the new woman of the western world and its evolution in the modern society.

"Sleepless Nights" (1979) Newton's second publication is perhaps the one that most defines the style. The images are taken from work done for fashion magazines and in a particular way for Vogue. The studied and researched photographs move once again among the female world and one of the dresses. They are part of a more intimate dimension, almost portraiture and then move to the reports.

Big Nudes (1981) is the third work of the artist, the one that marks the consecration. The subjects aim at the representation of elegance by means of ambiguity erotically charged. More and more frequently the street is used for the setting, at the expense of the previous use of the study. Fashion photography became a pretext for the creation of an art impregnated by the personality of the author.