Pulsate installation
Lily Jencks & Nathanael Dorent
Pulsate installation . Lily Jencks & Nathanael Dorent
The Pulsed Installation was born from the creativity of Lily Jencks and Nathanael Dorent commissioned by the Capitol Designer Studio, one of the most innovative players in the field of distribution of tiles in the UK. The mission of the Studio is to bring the tiles to a new level in design and architecture and the idea of Pulsed Installation comes as part of this strategy.

Photo © Fufton + Crow courtesy Capitol Designer Studio.
Pulsate installation . Lily Jencks & Nathanael Dorent
Pulsate installation . Lily Jencks & Nathanael Dorent
Pulsate installation . Lily Jencks & Nathanael Dorent
The Pulsed Installation is a pop-up structure realized in Primrose Hill in London to combine two objectives: “One is about perception – how you perceive distances and shapes; and make sense of space. The other is about how to display an object that’s for sale; we wanted the space to be more than just a showroom selling tiles; to rethink the commercial transaction as something more creative.”
Pulsate installation . Lily Jencks & Nathanael Dorent
Pulsate installation . Lily Jencks & Nathanael Dorent
The resulting space is inspired by the Op Art and Gestalt, tiles have been used in one cut and four colors to create an optical effect that attracts people into the space; games of light and dark are alternated to simulate pulsating wave. The structure is also used as a cultural center and hosts events, lectures, shooting and commercial launches.
Pulsate installation . Lily Jencks & Nathanael Dorent
Category:  DESIGN
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